Message from SGI-UK

It's very sad to hear/read bout the bombing in London, by yet again, the terrorists. Below are a message written by the General Director of SGI-UK. For the people in London, I hope all of u r absolutely fine. Let's us all pray for everyone's continued safety. Dear members of SGI-UK, Sensei sent us the following verbal message today: "I have heard many reports through the television news services about the London bombs and I am very concerned about everyone, including all the members of SGI-UK. I would like to express my profound sympathy to those who have passed away or have been hurt. Please express my very best regards to all the members in the UK." July 7th 2005 I hope that as members of SGI-UK we will summon up all our strength at this time so that we give confidence and support to all those people around us who are distressed and shaken by the horrible events that took place in central London today. Our only option is to summon up our faith, strengthen our conviction and increase our efforts for kosen-rufu, encouraged by Nichiren Daishonin's words that "When great evil occurs, great good follows." (WND p.1119) Sincerely, Robert Samuels SGIUK General Director