Happy birthday

happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday to Anna happy birthday to you. A year older , nothing to celebrate, but I just want all the people who visited the blog to know that today is your big day, 0000 sharp I phoned you, want to sing you a birthday song, manatau you tidur already. This is what we called, "bo ean". Who said birthday just like a normal day? Not to me, your birthday seem to be one of the important date to me, very simple , I appreciate you and you are my "kaimui", remember? Your 2004 's birthday marked a four months friendship of us, many thing happen , and I am glad that you are being there for me and keep encourage me. Cheer gal, you are not alone, as I will always remember the day and I will always be there for you when u needed me. Happy birthday my comrade.