Exam fever:

First week: one paper, so I decided to study the subject starts Friday. Second week: six papers, so I used my study week to study them. But what turned out to be is, I cannot concentrate, my mind is flying around, suppose to study, but I just can’t focus. I am using one week to make a note for one of my subjects, and now, I am still doing it, take me so long to organize the note and I found out that I am running out of time!! I still have lot of subject haven’t studied, past year paper never go through yet, people at school like watching me, figuring what will I get for this semester exam.( not because they think I am clever, but it’s because I played truant too much in one semester ) They driving me nut. What on earth they want to compare of, I just can’t understand. Yet, why certain people can be so selfish, so kedekut ilmu? Eh, why I borrow lecture answer from them and they dunwan to borrow me? I know I am too bad and too lazy to do the answer for myself, but, since u have done it, why not share share right? But I got nothing to share with them, that why I got nothing in return I guess, padan muka. But “life is about sharing”, anyway, up to them. What language should I use in my exam paper? Eh, all my note in English, but yet the paper and question is all in bahasa Malaysia, although sometime I think of writing English for them, but later will turn out became “rojak” language and started with BM, u see, thing is going crazy, the system, the format, the schedule, the peope… I guess these are what people call, exam fever…